Don’t Forget to Schedule Your Spring HVAC System Check Up

HVAC Logo IconBy HVAC.comAugust 1, 2023
HVAC contractor performing AC maintenance

Can you believe that spring is already halfway over? Before we know it, summer will be in full swing. Whether you have already fired up your air conditioner this year or are still holding out for higher temperatures, now is the time for air conditioner maintenance – don’t forget to schedule your spring HVAC system tune up!

And HVAC system tune up is important for many reasons. This professional service gives system components the attention they need to undo negative effects of wear and tear as well as improve overall performance and energy efficiency.

Preventative Maintenance: HVAC System Check Up

Schedule an HVAC system check up with your trusted local heating and cooling company now to take care of your home’s cooling equipment. Ideally, this visit is performed before you use your air conditioner for the first time each year. The reason is so that your technician catches any system issues early, and repairs are made – when you run your air conditioner with certain issues, you risk damage to your system.

If you have already started your air conditioner this year, don’t skip preventative maintenance. An HVAC system tune up is still beneficial if the cooling system is already in use! An HVAC system check up is a must each year, so make sure it gets done.

Benefits of an HVAC System Check Up

With an HVAC system tune up performed by your heating and cooling technician, your cooling system and your household benefit in many ways.

  • With an HVAC system tune up, all components of your cooling system are able to perform at peak levels. Your household benefits from more even, comfortable temperatures throughout the home.
  • When air conditioners perform at their best, they consume less energy. Your HVAC system check up improves your cooling system’s energy efficiency, which leads to lower cooling costs throughout air conditioning season.
  • With all air conditioner components in good working order, you lower the risk of breakdowns over the summer. Air conditioner breakdowns leave your home without the cooling it needs, which creates discomfort. Depending on the needed repair, they’re also pricey – save yourself the hassle and discomfort when you make an HVAC system check up a priority.
  • An HVAC system check up protects your air conditioner warranty. Most air conditioner manufacturers require annual HVAC system tune ups to validate equipment warranties. When you skip a tune up, you may lose valuable protection which means repair costs come out of your pocket.
  • An HVAC system tune up helps you get more years of service from your cooling equipment. Air conditioners that are well-maintained last longer than neglected equipment. Early replacement due to poor maintenance is expensive – make sure your existing air conditioner lasts as long as it can.

HVAC System Check Up Tasks for Homeowners

In addition to professional HVAC system tune ups, there are several tasks homeowners need to do on the regular to ensure proper air conditioner performance. Make these tasks part of your home maintenance to do list and benefit from better comfort indoors while you protect your equipment.

  • Change air filters. Air filters need to be checked monthly during the summer – the system is in use more when temperatures are high, which means the air filter likely needs replacement sooner than usual.
  • Improve airflow. Make sure the proper amount of air is able to flow through your cooling system – good airflow is essential for energy efficient cooling. Check all vents and grilles inside the home to ensure the louvers are open and there are no rugs, furniture, or other items over them. Also, clear the area surrounding your outdoor unit. Remove vegetation and branches that have grown up around it and remove any outdoor items stored in the area surrounding the unit.
  • Clean components. Grass, leaves, mulch, twigs, and other outdoor debris build up on your exterior air conditioning unit, which blocks airflow through the system. Carefully brush away debris to clean the outdoor unit. Do this any time you mow your lawn.
  • Set your thermostat. Use energy efficient settings on your programmable thermostat this summer to keep cool while lowering electricity costs. Program new temperatures schedules to accommodate your household’s adjusted summer schedules.
  • Check condensate drain. Inspect your air conditioner’s drip pan and condensate drain line to ensure moisture is able to flow out of your system. If you find clogs in the line, clear them to prevent water damage and protect your air conditioner.
  • Furnace care. Even though it’s not in use during the summer, your furnace benefits from maintenance Clean the unit and perform an HVAC system check up to ensure your furnace is safe and secure.